October 09, 2011


Snow has been coming closer and closer to us all month. It started with a dusting on top of the hill and then morning frost on the tundra and then a few teasing flakes interspersed with the rain.

On Thursday morning we all were greeted with this sight and there was some trepidation as to whether or not it was more frost or snow...

Those of us who elected for frost lost the vote...

Welcome to autumn in Alaska!
Photo credits go to my roommate and her phone =)

October 03, 2011


Teacher In-Service: Bush Style

In-services in the bush are just a little different than in-services down states. This is largely due to the fact that our district is the size of most normal sized states and we have no roads. So, the teachers here in Scammon jumped on two chartered caravans and flew to our neighboring coastal village: Hooper Bay.

The in-service wasn't too bad. We all slept on air mattresses in classrooms in the school and got to take the mattresses home as our freebies... so if anyone is planning to randomly show up on my doorstep, I do have a bed for you!

The major highlight of the in-service, though, was getting to take a trip out to the beach. Yes, I am aware that I live in a coastal village that is also right next to the Bering Sea but we do not have a sandy beach and it is not an easy trek to get out to the sea.

On this particular trip we got to see tons of starfish, jellyfish and collect sea shells. It was freezing cold and incredibly windy but still beautiful!

I came home with pretty sea shells, some additional knowledge about teaching, enough sand in my pockets to create my own mini-beach and a mild cold. Monday morning, here I come!